This represents "Earth Tiger", they are known as REPELS MOSQUITOES.Setting a Quick-Screen Recorder, A use of your iPhone X Camera.



The example in this photo is, when coming across a House-Hold Item, you try to bring your lottery slip that your working on than try, "thinking about this object".

As a cartoon version, may also be randomized. Another House-Hold Item may be a Glen20 which looks like.


Winning a life time changing amount may dethrone on jobs and skills if it is not needed any more. A sunoek simple YouTube search to finding a "LOST computer file"

The Lottery Magic comparing it to other forms of gambling, like casino, horse racing, Lottery offers the largest amount even though the odds are extremely high of losing, and the odds are extreme low of winning less than zero % being near to impossible such odds varying to different games.

Money is a fantastic tool that can afford to back up your 

"DATA COSTS" for life, Money also has the power to live a much better life. Money doesn't buy love or happiness but money is the means needed to acquire things. That maybe things like goods and services, items, houses, boats, and other things.

Everyone is too driven by FACT when it comes to the LOTTERY, believing they have bad luck or good luck, either way you should play according to any reason. The belief of the Lottery Curse, even how Letta Meout is quite a curse doll but why the werid way of just deciding to keep it?

Lonely Fliers are a great way of finding friendship by wrapping them around the pole as it has multiple uses!

Things you may need a NOTE BOOK, PRINTER to print some things (so that you can write over it), some programs, a blogger acc as you will need to write about and save website links like number generator sites, random screen shots to compile, a journal as well.

If you imagine these balls as doors, that need to be unlocked, as your Character in Game-Maker needs to try every key number combination to get through this crack from 1-9, until a miracle breaks.

Draw #1291 Date: 11 February 2021

Powerball (12) twelve would've had represented someone's age. 


(1): Powerball Game 22 Section 8: When you said to someone at Canning College you look like you are "twelve" but you are not twelve. 

(2): (Swapping Method: IDEA from a Diary/Journal) How does the replacement happen? A person you know as "Adair" is age 14, this could be your cousin, a relative, possibly a sibling of yours.

(3): Playing Number Game 22, Section 1 : Number 3, here is it's meaning, a commonly known as one of my lucky numbers, the numbers you know the technique is to try and take these that you know, now that is obviously quite hard.

We can relate to this, as. "39" "23" is part of the Pokemon Ruby game Abra. Replace with Nissan GTR R34 and Silvia s15 from the game Grand Turismo 5. This method was discover some time during 2020. Read more details from this blog here: 


 BLOG 2:

A "orange" indication tells you the possible wrong number even though that orange is suppose to be a red colors to be represented as wrong numbers but if they are orange that means that are ready to be swapped. When you match this position, see for 30, and see for 7. As 7 can represent the "Aboriginal Number" and may 30 represent the "30 million". The hardest part is picking those number out, as every number you see has some relevant part of in your life.


1:  How do you get a Powerball 2? Well you might have 4 of the Golden Woolworth's SIMBA toys, 2 are gold of the same type, 4 in total.  2 Drillburs and 2 Tympoles from the PokemonLegends game and their Shiny. How do you get 30 and 31? Was according to the Pokemon Dranti IV's the problem is their are other numbers on the Pokemon IV's.. These consist of Hp, Attack, Deference, Speed, Special Attack, Special Defence, for example It could be Special Attack was 30 and Special Defence was 31. Than the rest had other random numbers.

 Now 27 and 28 is hard, if you are age 24, plus 3 and 24 plus 4, you get these exact numbers. By the way, 10 and 11 came from the Screen Shot PokemonLegends, Route 10 and 11. Now imagine all the information was put to one album on Facebook. Where does 20 come from, Since Dranti's IV's during that time was all in the 20's, it should've been commonly used for that. The information sounds easy trust me it is not.

How do you get prepared in a Lottery Situation. The date of 12/September/2019 was how it got me hooked in playing. From relevant news articles from the numbers that got away. 

 The question is how do you exactly try to win the Lottery? You might need a Game Maker Game Custom made where you guess (Like 20 IQ device, I mean't the device called 20Q, remember you can't always rely on one source, you may need to come up with a recipe consisting of a strategy to picking your number now this is relevant to manifesting, first may involve to use a random number generator online, second may be involving you to use a Level 50 Character in MapleLegends use the @roll35, to generate a playing number or @roll20 to generate the powerball, as this range would go to a maximum after you type from the roll. Another technique that I had in-mind is, getting a Lottery Slip, and filling half of it when your doing Game 1 towards Game 12, that would be one whole lottery slip. A purchase of a  "Pokémon Mini",  have a bag ready that has the "Scanners Commanders", a game of roulette, a spinning roulette wheel that is on for sale, can help with some numbers, and these number may be a Game Number, say one spin of the Roulette Wheel, and purpose is, Game Number. If you log this to a piece of paper. Along with using video-games like GetAmped2, MobileLegendsAdventures, MapleStory to ask other players for some lucky numbers. Chances are they are likely to give 3 Winning numbers among the 7 numbers. You see a Game-Maker project, if you make a game that randomizes some questions, that you may feel compel to answer. These things are just used at certain times for when you may be in the mood.

What did I mean about the Game Maker Custom Game Idea? I am planning to have a game where you try and guess, what the machine is thinking, by giving various clues, this would be like some sort of Quiz game.  You see POWERPOINT has quizzes, and a roulette wheel. Same for Excel for a random number generator that are downloadable these sources can be downloaded to YouTube.

I honestly believe that if you are winning the lottery too early without prior experiences of such losses or management of money like how you want to live your life and how this money is going to change your life than i feel that you would not understand when you than actually won than lost all your money from bad choices.

 As you can see, position of all random numbers play a big role, as to where and where not these number should not be, but you as a player will not know until the lottery result, or until we can create a prediction to guide us to make a decision with the current numbers in place.

1: Buy into a Syndicate: Than motify those numbers for a personal use. SlipPicks, QuickPicks, even PowerPicks/PowerHits for Powerball game that takes away the Power Ball. 

Old Powerball ranges from 1-45, 6 numbers and 1 Powerball, they changed it to 1-35 for 7 numbers and 1 Powerball, increasing the Odd's. As the inflated price of lottery increases by the year by some cent's, making each game more expensive, it may change in a near future making the whole game harder to play, as a population of people increase.

The other technique is taking a picture of your lottery ticket and using an iPad/PC or Phone to start drawing on that ticket or marking the numbers off. Just because a person wants a simple life, it doesn't mean they are a simple person even when they appear too be. Some people change along with their expectations at time.

Game 34, How do you exactly replace "5" How do you exactly replace, "12" and exactly 12, along with the Aboriginal, of Powerball 7. How do you exactly find these game numbers "34 GN" and "35GN" How maybe Game-Maker can generate a random choice, randomizing the items, the websites like the names of it, than it will decide what program you should use.

Those random, clips that appear appear on the area.
